Frequent questions

When will my order be shipped?

Orders are usually processed and shipped within 3 business days of purchase.

How long does delivery take?

Delivery times vary as we ship from different distribution centers around the world, depending on location. The average delivery time is approximately 35 business days. Your tracking number will be updated 3-5 days after the order is shipped.

How do I cancel an order?

Once the order is placed, you will have a short 30 minute window to cancel it before it goes to the warehouse. Once the order has been processed and accepted by the warehouse, the cancellation order is unfortunately not available. Please note, however, that cancellation is not guaranteed.

What is your return policy?


In most cases, items shipped from our store can be returned within 30 days of delivery.

After shipping, you will receive an email with the shipping date and further details of your order. Some products have different guidelines or requirements.

Before returning a defective item, please contact us for the return address and further instructions. Did your item arrive damaged, different, or inoperable? In that case, you are protected and ready to file a claim. The procedure is described in our return policy.

What methods of payment do you accept?

We accept Paypal payments